Submit your affiliate program

Here you can suggest your favorite Affiliate Program or Advertising Network.

Requirement you need to meet for adding your affiliate program into Nifty Stats database.

Afiiliate programs need to work perfectly (100%). On the sponsor site everything needs to be working fine: images, marketing tools, referral links and it needs to be clearly wrote what kind of provision does the webmaster gets after propagating your site or product.
Mainly we are adding affiliate programs in English language.
In case you are sending an affiliate program for adding it to our databse:

a) if you are a program owner please send us a login and password (test account) into your affiliate system. This helps us a lot for adding you into our system in just a few days...

b) If you are not the program owner it is better for you to contact the affiliate program, so they can give us the necessary information (its much faster)
In case we dont receive the login and pass into the affiliate section from the user, then we contact the affiliate program owner. And if they didn't react to our request in 1 month (it almost doesnt happens at all), then this sponsor will be moved into our DELETED SECTION of our database.

Fill the form to submit affiliate program

Affiliate Program Name

Program URL

Your email

Program owner

Your request

Control code

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